Please RSVP by June 16th 2025

Danielle & Hunter

Saturday, August 16, 2025 • Saskatoon, SK, Canada
155 Days To Go!

Please RSVP by June 16th 2025

Danielle & Hunter

Saturday, August 16, 2025 • Saskatoon, SK, Canada
155 Days To Go!

Our Story


Picture of OUR STORY

It was the evening of May 4, 2019. There was a sense of love. At Outlaws Country Rock Bar, friends had gathered. It was on this night that Hunter and Danielle met for the first time. Hunter was with his pals, as was Danielle. They had chatted on social media a few times before tonight, but nothing of significance. Little did they know they were about to meet their soulmates ...

They'll never forget how this evening unfolded out; all they knew was that they would both be there, but they had no idea how they would end up together. After endlessly looking for each other, Hunter was growing tiresome of looking for a blonde after about an hour, he then saw this blonde dart across the dance floor, he quickly rushed and grabbed her arm from behind not knowing if it would be her or not, but he had a feeling. The rest is history ... they danced together, sharing laughter and a kiss, not knowing whether they would see each other again. They didn't spend a lot of time together, but they could sense a connection. It was immediate.

You may have guessed that Danielle and Hunter's first date went well. After spending hours talking and walking beside the river, on the train bridge aspiring about life goals with one another. They ended up at a cute coffee shop where they continued to chat while both sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows. As the evening carried on, they could both sense that there was something unique between them.

Danielle and Hunter's relationship grew stronger with each date they went on. Hunter asked Danielle to be his girlfriend on the night of May 26, 2019, when they put up a blanket to watch the sunrise by the river.

After they started dating, Donna and Ed, Danielle's parent's, treated Hunter like their own son, and he immediately became a part of Danielle's family. Soon, they would spend most weekends having game nights together. With the arrival of their mini-american eskimo puppy, Nukka, Danielle and Hunter formed their own small family. When they made the decision to get Nukka, they gained a lot of love, patience, and understanding as people.

Let us now jump ahead to June 26, 2023. Hunter had rented a beautiful blue corvette and drove through Las Vegas's red rock canyon with little hikes they would venture off on and explore the scenery. After they stopped at a stunning rock overlook in the Canyon, Hunter had been setting up his drone again, they decided to take another look to capture this incredible location on camera. Danielle had no idea that the Hunter would propose to her in this very area. Hunter instructed Danielle to face away from one another at first, then slowly turn to face each other and strike a pose for the drone. Danielle was stunned when she turned around and saw Hunter down on one knee. Hunter then gave the perfect proposal speech.

Danielle was so happy that she had tears in her eyes all the way home. They started the Face times as soon as they returned to the hotel room, announcing this significant milestone they had reached together. Naturally, friends and family were overjoyed for them, and excited to welcome a son into the family officially.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has supported and stood by us through everything.

Love, Dani and Hunter